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  •  Getting a record deal is not easy because record labels are very selective on who they sign. That’s why we spoke to Layla Manoochehri, a former record label talent scout for Sony Music (and one of our competition judges). We’ve put together some of her advice on how to get signed to a record label

    To help yourself get a record deal, find your own original sound and get your fans behind you. Record labels will be looking for signs that artists are putting themselves out there and building a large following through live performance and social media.

    You have to be an exceptional artist with a devoted following to get a deal with a record label. The easiest option that many artists try is to approach record labels directly. Read on to find out what you need to do before you think about approaching a record label.

    How to get signed to a record label

    Here is how artists can get a record deal, although we can’t guarantee you’ll get signed to a record label.

    • Find your own style as a recording artist
    • Get in the recording studio
    • Make your live show amazing
    • Make the best music that you can
    • Practice recording and performing
    • Learn more about record label deals
    • Make your branding consistent
    • Be active on social media
    • Build a devoted fanbase
    • Make connections with label



    Getting a record deal is not easy because record labels are very selective on who they sign. That’s why we spoke to Layla Manoochehri, a former record label talent scout for Sony Music (and one of our competition judges). We’ve put together some of her advice on how to get signed to a record label.

    To help yourself get a record deal, find your own original sound and get your fans behind you. Record labels will be looking for signs that artists are putting themselves out there and building a large following through live performance and social media.

    You have to be an exceptional artist with a devoted following to get a deal with a record label. The easiest option that many artists try is to approach record labels directly. Read on to find out what you need to do before you think about approaching a record label.

    How to get signed to a record label

    Here is how artists can get a record deal, although we can’t guarantee you’ll get signed to a record label.

    • Find your own style as a recording artist
    • Get in the recording studio
    • Make your live show amazing
    • Make the best music that you can
    • Practice recording and performing
    • Learn more about record label deals
    • Make your branding consistent
    • Be active on social media
    • Build a devoted fanbase
    • Make connections with labels

    Record labels: What do they actually do?

    Record labels sign recording artists and release recordings. They are responsible for finding the talent in the first place and then they often compete with each other for their commitment. Once they’ve signed a record deal, the record label will help organise producers, studios and videos amongst many other things. The record labels are also responsible for the marketing and physical production of the music.

    How to get signed

    #1 Find your own style as a recording artist

    To get a record deal, you need to be unique and original. This isn’t easy and could take some time but you have to find your own distinct identity with your music and your look. Originality is key and will help you remain relevant and memorable in the mind of your fans.

    #2 Get in the recording studio

    Record labels need you to make records and prove yourself as a recording artist before they consider giving you a record deal. You need to get some time in the studio and show that you’re capable of laying down a great performance.

    You might think you’re brilliant as a performer but this doesn’t always translate to a recording. Find a producer or engineer to work with and keep improving your skills as a recording artist.

    #3 Make your live show amazing 

    Getting noticed by the right people is what you need to do if you want to get signed. Performing regularly will only improve your chances of this happening. It will help you improve your musicianship, establish your brand, better your social skills, and help you meet music professionals.  

    Most record labels send their talent scouts and A&Rs to popular venues, singing contests and local music festivals to hunt for new talent. The more you perform, the less likely you are to miss out on those opportunities. 

    Record label A&R scouts make a lot of time to get out and about at gigs and open mic nights to find new talent to sign to a record deal. Therefore, it is essential to get yourself out there performing live at as many gigs as you can, as you never know who might be there watching you.

    Impressing scouts with your live show is essential if you’re trying to get a deal. Find a way to be exceptional when you are performing and learn as much as you can from other artists.

    #4 Make the best music you can 

    how to get signed by a record label

    Always focus on writing new material that record labels might like but also fit your sound. Record your rehearsals and listen back to it to those tapes again and again, to make sure your music is absolutely mind-blowing.  

    Learn more about the songwriting and production behind your favourite artists. See how you can integrate those techniques into your own music. You will have to learn to listen to music analytically and improve your ear for the finer details that make great music.    

    Record labels always look for someone striking who is ready to take the world by storm. They want polished, professional acts that can earn them a profit, so be dedicated and professional towards your craft.  

    #5 Practice recording and performing

    If record labels have one expectation of you, it’s that you should never stop practising. Find some time for daily rehearsals until you get every lyric memorised. You will need to get into a routine because a career with a record label depends on your abilities as a singer, musician and performer.

    Practising with a vocal or instrumental teacher can make a massive difference in your abilities. You can get valuable feedback and professional opinions from people who know what they are talking about.  

    A vocal teacher can get you to polish your sound and make sure that you are constantly improving.  Take in all the feedback and iron out any issues. 

    #6 Learn more about record label deals

    Studying the music industry can help you gain a better understanding of what it takes to get signed. Try and gain some practical experience of how it operates through work experience. You’re more likely to get signed by a record label if you are already engaged and active in the industry in one way or another. This is because you will discover more about the culture of the industry and how you can integrate into it.

    How to get noticed by a record label

    #7 Make your branding consistent

    You must synchronise all of your branding across your social media profiles. Try not to confuse record label scouts by making each one of your social media pages too different. Make sure your Facebook cover photo is in the same theme as your Twitter header, and your SoundCloud display picture is the same or very similar to your website or YouTube display picture.

    Everything needs to be themed consistently so you have a recognisable brand. Your fans and record labels can use this to easily identify you.  You wouldn’t want to miss out on an opportunity to get signed by a record label just because they couldn’t find or identify your profile.

    The same goes for your social URL’s: if your usernames are in sync, it will be considerably easier for record labels to locate your social profiles and pages and you will appear more professional.

    Have an interesting bio, a logo, some amazing photographs, and artwork ready for all your releases. Set these up correctly on your social media and you’re sure to get more likes and clicks.  

    T-shirts are incredibly popular merchandise to build and promote a brand. Not only will a little cash come into your pocket, but you also get a free promotion every time someone wears your tee. 



    Posted on 

    Getting a record deal is not easy because record labels are very selective on who they sign. That’s why we spoke to Layla Manoochehri, a former record label talent scout for Sony Music (and one of our competition judges). We’ve put together some of her advice on how to get signed to a record label.

    To help yourself get a record deal, find your own original sound and get your fans behind you. Record labels will be looking for signs that artists are putting themselves out there and building a large following through live performance and social media.

    You have to be an exceptional artist with a devoted following to get a deal with a record label. The easiest option that many artists try is to approach record labels directly. Read on to find out what you need to do before you think about approaching a record label.

    How to get signed to a record label

    how to get signed to a record label uk

    Here is how artists can get a record deal, although we can’t guarantee you’ll get signed to a record label.

    • Find your own style as a recording artist
    • Get in the recording studio
    • Make your live show amazing
    • Make the best music that you can
    • Practice recording and performing
    • Learn more about record label deals
    • Make your branding consistent
    • Be active on social media
    • Build a devoted fanbase
    • Make connections with labels

    Record labels: What do they actually do?

    Record labels sign recording artists and release recordings. They are responsible for finding the talent in the first place and then they often compete with each other for their commitment. Once they’ve signed a record deal, the record label will help organise producers, studios and videos amongst many other things. The record labels are also responsible for the marketing and physical production of the music.

    How to get signed

    #1 Find your own style as a recording artist

    To get a record deal, you need to be unique and original. This isn’t easy and could take some time but you have to find your own distinct identity with your music and your look. Originality is key and will help you remain relevant and memorable in the mind of your fans.

    #2 Get in the recording studio

    Record labels need you to make records and prove yourself as a recording artist before they consider giving you a record deal. You need to get some time in the studio and show that you’re capable of laying down a great performance.

    You might think you’re brilliant as a performer but this doesn’t always translate to a recording. Find a producer or engineer to work with and keep improving your skills as a recording artist.

    #3 Make your live show amazing 

    Getting noticed by the right people is what you need to do if you want to get signed. Performing regularly will only improve your chances of this happening. It will help you improve your musicianship, establish your brand, better your social skills, and help you meet music professionals.  

    Most record labels send their talent scouts and A&Rs to popular venues, singing contests and local music festivals to hunt for new talent. The more you perform, the less likely you are to miss out on those opportunities. 

    Record label A&R scouts make a lot of time to get out and about at gigs and open mic nights to find new talent to sign to a record deal. Therefore, it is essential to get yourself out there performing live at as many gigs as you can, as you never know who might be there watching you.

    Impressing scouts with your live show is essential if you’re trying to get a deal. Find a way to be exceptional when you are performing and learn as much as you can from other artists.

    #4 Make the best music you can 

    how to get signed by a record label

    Always focus on writing new material that record labels might like but also fit your sound. Record your rehearsals and listen back to it to those tapes again and again, to make sure your music is absolutely mind-blowing.  

    Learn more about the songwriting and production behind your favourite artists. See how you can integrate those techniques into your own music. You will have to learn to listen to music analytically and improve your ear for the finer details that make great music.    

    Record labels always look for someone striking who is ready to take the world by storm. They want polished, professional acts that can earn them a profit, so be dedicated and professional towards your craft.  

    #5 Practice recording and performing

    If record labels have one expectation of you, it’s that you should never stop practising. Find some time for daily rehearsals until you get every lyric memorised. You will need to get into a routine because a career with a record label depends on your abilities as a singer, musician and performer.

    Practising with a vocal or instrumental teacher can make a massive difference in your abilities. You can get valuable feedback and professional opinions from people who know what they are talking about.  

    A vocal teacher can get you to polish your sound and make sure that you are constantly improving.  Take in all the feedback and iron out any issues. 

    #6 Learn more about record label deals

    Studying the music industry can help you gain a better understanding of what it takes to get signed. Try and gain some practical experience of how it operates through work experience. You’re more likely to get signed by a record label if you are already engaged and active in the industry in one way or another. This is because you will discover more about the culture of the industry and how you can integrate into it.

    How to get noticed by a record label

    #7 Make your branding consistent

    You must synchronise all of your branding across your social media profiles. Try not to confuse record label scouts by making each one of your social media pages too different. Make sure your Facebook cover photo is in the same theme as your Twitter header, and your SoundCloud display picture is the same or very similar to your website or YouTube display picture.

    Everything needs to be themed consistently so you have a recognisable brand. Your fans and record labels can use this to easily identify you.  You wouldn’t want to miss out on an opportunity to get signed by a record label just because they couldn’t find or identify your profile.

    The same goes for your social URL’s: if your usernames are in sync, it will be considerably easier for record labels to locate your social profiles and pages and you will appear more professional.

    Have an interesting bio, a logo, some amazing photographs, and artwork ready for all your releases. Set these up correctly on your social media and you’re sure to get more likes and clicks.  

    T-shirts are incredibly popular merchandise to build and promote a brand. Not only will a little cash come into your pocket, but you also get a free promotion every time someone wears your tee. 

    #8 Be active on social media

    Record labels will always have an eye on your social media stats if they are interested in signing you. Any serious artist must be active on social networking platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. so make sure to create the best impression you can!  

    Implementing a great marketing plan to reach people online. It will also expand your fanbase to help increase your online stats, such as Facebook likes, Twitter and Instagram followers, YouTube subscribers. Labels will look at this when they consider signing anyone, so you want your followers to be authentic and engaged. 

    If you are looking to get a record deal, it is important to have a strong internet presence as record label scouts are also always searching the internet for new talent. So make sure you have your music up on SoundCloud and YouTube etc

    #9 Build a devoted fanbase

    To get a record deal, you need to constantly engage with your fan base to maximise your chance of success. You need a really strong core following that will buy your tickets and merchandise if you’re going to make money and be an attractive business proposition. This is easily one of the most important points because your fans could be what convinces a label to give you a deal!

    You are going to have to spend as much time on self-promotion as you do on making music. You should always engage with people wherever you perform and also on social media. This will help your fans become more interested in you and your music and help you learn more about what your fans want to hear. 

    Artists with a solid fanbase are most likely to be noticed by record labels. Take advantage of the internet and keep posting quality content regularly to gain more fans across the world 

    Find out how to get your music heard by UK record labels and potential fans

    How to get your music heard by record labels

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